ESG Report of the
ENEA Capital Group for 2021


Responsible workplace management

The ENEA Group’s staff is competent, diverse and motivated.

We are aware that it is because of our staff that we achieve our objectives. This is why our approach to employees highlights equal treatment and application of transparent criteria for hiring, remunerating and promoting, compensation and promotion, supporting professional and personal growth and commitment to friendly atmosphere fostering cooperation. Health and well-being of our employees is another area of critical importance for us. This is shown in our day-to-day activities and in our response to the challenges associated with the COVID-19 epidemic.

We guarantee our employees that their basic rights will be respected: the right to fair remuneration, the right of association, the right of free speech and privacy.

Group staff

As at 31 December 2021, the companies comprising the ENEA Group employed a total of 17,461 staff under an employment contract*.

* In this entire section, the number of staff under an employment contract is understood as the number of all employment contracts in the ENEA Group companies as at 31 December 2021, including individuals with a temporary suspension of employment, i.e. on parental leaves, unpaid leaves above 30 days and those receiving rehabilitation benefits. Employees on an unpaid leave in one Group company and at the same time working with another company under employment contracts are calculated twice in the presented statements (there are 19 such persons in the Group).

  • 102-8
  • 401-1

Employment structure in the ENEA Group

Total number of staff employed under employment contracts 17,461
full-time employees – women 3093
full-time employees – men 14,313
part-time employees – women 26
part-time employees – men 29
persons employed under employment contracts for an indefinite term – women 2,845
persons employed under employment contracts for an indefinite term – men 12,786
including other contract types (probationary period, fixed term, traineeship and replacement contracts) – women 290
including other contract types (probationary period, fixed term, traineeship and replacement contracts) – men 1,540

Additionally, in 445 cases, work was provided to the ENEA Group under a different type of contract than employment contract signed with a Group company (managers under management contracts*, persons providing work under civil law agreements, persons hired by work agencies and trainees).

*Including individuals who are simultaneously on unpaid leaves in the same or another Group company.


In 2020, the ENEA Group employed


women (18%)


men (82%)

  • 401-1
  • 405-1
  • S-P3

Gender diversity of groups of positions Number of employees *
senior management – women 22
senior management – men 90
directors – women 40
directors – men 168
junior managers – women 244
junior managers – men** 941
operational staff – women 339
operational staff – men 9,754
administrative staff – women 2,571
administrative staff – men 3,404
* Including individuals who are simultaneously on unpaid leaves in the same or another Group company.
** Includes individuals working under employment contracts and in the case of senior managers, also under management contracts.

2020 2021
Total number of new employees hired in 2021 under employment contracts* 1187 1010
women 217 219
men 970 791
employees under 30 562 431
employees aged 30-50 524 483
employees over 50 101 96
New staff employment ratio** 6.8% 5.8%
* Number of new employees hired by ENEA Group companies through external as well as internal recruitment.
*The ratio of new employees to all employees.

2020 2021
Total number of employees working under employment contracts who left in 2021* 998 1019
women 162 204
employees under 30 191 205
employees aged 30-50 332 319
employees over 50 475 496
Employee turnover** 5.7% 5.8%
*The number of employees who left during the year refers to the termination of employment contracts between the ENEA Group companies and their employees.
**The ratio of the number of employees that left to all employees.

Work rules

Labor issues within the Group level are governed primarily by:

  • internal collective bargaining agreements,
  • ENEA Group Code of Ethics setting out, among others, the Group’s values, as well as the Code of Ethics for LW “Bogdanka” S.A. Group,
  • ENEA Group Compliance Policy, a document describing, among others, desired employee behaviors and attitudes, as well as the Compliance Policy of Lubelski Węgiel Bogdanka S.A.,
  • Procedure for implementing human capital development activities in the ENEA Group, which unifies the approach to improvement of professional qualifications of employees,
  • Estimate Budgets of Common Social Activity in the ENEA Group, setting out the scope and the principles for awarding social benefits to employees for the year,
  • Procedure of the ENEA Group Management Committee on the personnel policy for appointing Management Boards and Supervisory Boards of Companies

Additionally, each company has adopted policies and procedures suitable to their characteristics. They define, among others, the recruitment process, rules of adaptation, rules for awarding bonuses, registration of work time, registration and settlement of business trips or the rules for parting with employees. The accepted internal regulations ensure compliance of the companies with provisions of the Labor Code and other laws relating to employee rights and obligations.

Additionally, every year managers of the organizational units, in consultation with employees, prepare lists defining the need for training improving the competence of the staff.

Material internal regulations in the labor area adopted in selected ENEA Group companies

  • Multi-Company Collective Bargaining Agreement for Employees of the Utilities Sector
  • Internal Collective Bargaining Agreement for the Employees of ENEA S.A. and its Subsidiaries listed in the Appendix no. 10 to the Agreement
  • ENEA S.A.’s Work Rules and Regulations
  • Policy against mobbing, discrimination and other unacceptable conduct in ENEA S.A.
  • Rules of Bonuses for the Employees of ENEA S.A.
  • Rules and Regulations for Awarding Bonuses to ENEA S.A. Employees based on the Management by Objectives System
  • ENEA S.A. Competence Model
  • ENEA S.A. Recruitment Procedure
  • ENEA S.A. Employee Development Procedure
  • Rules of adaptation in ENEA S.A.
  • Rules of procedure in connection with termination of employment relationship with Employees in ENEA S.A.
  • Multi-Company Collective Bargaining Agreement for Employees of the Utilities Sector
  • Internal Collective Bargaining Agreement for the Employees of ENEA S.A. and its Subsidiaries listed in the Appendix no. 10 to the Agreement
  • Work Rules and Regulations for Employees of ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.
  • Policy against mobbing, discrimination and other unacceptable conduct at ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.
  • Recruitment Procedure 
  • Rules and Regulations of the Management-by-Objectives System in ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.
  • Rules and Regulations for Organizing Business Trips in ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.
  • Rules and Regulations for Managing Risk of spread of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus among ENEA Operator sp. z o.o. employees
  • Work Rules and Regulations
  • Internal Collective Bargaining Agreement 
  • Rules and Regulations of the Company Social Benefit Fund
  • Policy of conduct in the process of employee recruitment and selection at Lubelski Węgiel “Bogdanka” S.A. for production jobs and for managerial and specialist positions
  • Code of Ethics for LW “Bogdanka” S.A. Group
  • Compliance Policy of Lubelski Węgiel Bogdanka S.A.
  • Procedure for Reporting Breaches in Lubelski Węgiel “Bogdanka” S.A.
  • Policy of access to development programs for LW “Bogdanka” S.A. employees
  • Multi-Company Collective Bargaining Agreement for Employees of the Utilities Sector
  • Internal Collective Bargaining Agreement for the Employees of ENEA S.A. and its Subsidiaries listed in the Appendix no. 10 to the Agreement *
  • Work Rules and Regulations in ENEA Centrum sp. z o.o.
  • Policy against mobbing, discrimination and other unacceptable conduct at ENEA Centrum sp. z o.o.
  • Rules and Regulations for Granting Bonuses to Employees of ENEA Centrum sp. z o.o. based on the Management by Objectives System

*Applicable based on the agreement on the application of the Internal Collective Bargaining Agreement for ENEA S.A. Employees, which means that the company may amend it by itself (though it is bound by its interpretation).

  • Work Rules and Regulations for ENEA Elektrownia Połaniec S.A. Employees
  • Internal Collective Bargaining Agreement for ENEA Elektrownia Połaniec S.A. Employees
  • Rules and Regulations for Compensating Management Staff
  • Health Protection Program and agreement on its performance
  • Policy against mobbing, discrimination and other unacceptable conduct in ENEA Elektrownia Połaniec S.A.
  • Agreement with Trade Unions of 30 December 1999 on principles of cooperation
  • Agreement on the participation in costs of trade union activities signed with Companies spun-off in the restructuring process
  • Agreement on the participation in costs related to the conduct of PKZP signed with Companies spun off in the restructuring process
  • Rules and Regulations of the Company Social Benefit Fund and the Agreement on Common Social Activity
  • Instruction for employee evaluation
  • Company agreement regarding the Employee Pension Plan 
  • Rules and Regulations for giving awards and distinctions in ENEA Elektrownia Połaniec S.A
  • Multi-Company Collective Bargaining Agreement for Employees of the Utilities Sector
  • Internal Collective Bargaining Agreement for Employees of ENEA Wytwarzanie sp. z o.o., Social Agreement for Employees of ENEA Wytwarzanie sp. z o.o.
  • Work Rules and Regulations for Employees of ENEA Wytwarzanie Sp. z o.o.
  • Rules and Regulations of the Company Social Benefit Fund
  • Policy against mobbing, discrimination and other unacceptable conduct in ENEA Wytwarzanie Sp. z o.o.
  • ENEA Wytwarzanie sp. z o.o. Personnel Management Procedure
  • Rules and Regulations for Granting Bonuses to Employees of ENEA Wytwarzanie sp. z o.o.
  • Rules and Regulations for Granting Annual Bonuses to Employees of ENEA Wytwarzanie sp. z o.o.
  • Recruitment Procedure 

For more detailed information on counteracting mobbing and discrimination, see the Section entitled Preventing mobbing, discrimination and other human rights violations.

Gender pay gap

For the purposes of the non-financial reporting process for 2021, to address the expectations of its stakeholders, market trends and proposed new regulations, we analyzed for the first time the ratio between salaries paid to women and men. The results of the analysis are presented below.

  • 405-2
  • S-P2

Ratio of average remuneration* of women to men employed in selected ENEA Group companies, by employee category

Employee group Ratio of average remuneration of women to men
ENEA S.A. ENEA Operator ENEA Wytwarzanie ENEA Elektrownia Połaniec ENEA Trading
Senior management
Employees under 30
Employees aged 30-50 115% 106% 119% 0% 0%
Employees over 50 140% 100% 70% 0% 93%
Average 114% 93% 94% 0% 50%
Middle management
Employees under 30 0% 0%
Employees aged 30-50 91% 96% 88% 96% 73%
Employees over 50 83% 98% 97% 74% 99%
Average 92% 96% 87% 83% 60%
Other employees
Employees under 30 85% 87% 86% 60% 99%
Employees aged 30-50 85% 86 % 80% 94% 88%
Employees over 50 91% 93% 77% 90% 0%
Average 85% 87% 78% 89% 50%
* Basic salary plus additional amounts, such as seniority, bonuses including cash and share-based bonuses, benefit payments, overtime, equivalents, and any additional reimbursements or allowances (e.g., for commuting, child care, housing allowance).
  • 103-1
  • 103-2
  • 103-3

Companies in the ENEA Group observe the principle of equal pay for the same job. The differences in average remuneration between men and women reported in the table above are driven mainly by a different employment structure in individual positions, which is caused, among other things, by the specific nature of the energy and mining sector and related professions.

Communication and participation in decision making

People, with their talents, experience, knowledge, know-how and interests are our main value and capital. We value the individualism of all our Employees, since each of them adds their unique contribution to the organization that allows us to grow and become more professional in all areas of ENEA Group’s activity. We are listening carefully to opinions of our Employees, improve their working environment and provide them with the feeling of safety in the organization. We also respect their right to associate in trade unions and to be actively involved in their activities.

Katarzyna Kupidura

Director of Group Human Resources Management Department

Efficient flow of information to employees is ensured in particular by:

  • corporate Intranet (Group news, e.g. “Enea News” and “Enea Flash”) and Intranet sites of individual companies,
  • Employee Zone in the ENEA Group’s Intranet (news, information and documents related to employee matters),
  • company newspapers (“Echo Elektrowni” in the Połaniec Power Plant, “Głos Elko” at the Kozienice Power Plant, “Bogdanka”, “Information Package of MEC Piła Employees”, “Info Express” in ENEA Operator),
  • mailing (to selected groups or to all employees),
  • screens, noticeboards, leaflets and posters,
  • radio station.

We encourage employees to submit questions about employee matters as well as comments, reservations and ideas. The tools promoting dialog in the Group include, among others:

  • meetings and videoconference calls,
  • discussions between employees and their direct superiors,
  • questionnaire surveys (e.g. evaluation of satisfaction with various areas: IT, HR, procurement, etc.; evaluation of individual activities undertaken by companies),
  • satisfaction surveys,
  • Pomysłodajnia mailbox, initiatives (used by employees to send in their work improvement ideas),
  • “HR write to us” mailbox (used by employees to send in questions about labor issues; responses are published in the Employee Zone),
  • Mam Pomysł (I Have an Idea!) platform available on the ENEA Group intranet.

In 2021, as well as in the previous year, face-to-face meetings were replaced with remote communication for epidemic reasons to the maximum extent possible.

Impact of Employees on the functioning of the Group

  • S-P4

We respect the right of its employees to associate in trade unions and to be actively involved in their activities.

Trade unions operating in key companies and in companies with the largest headcounts in the ENEA Group

  • Inter-Company Trade Union Organization of the Trade Union of Engineers and Technicians in ENEA S.A.
  • Inter-Company Power Engineering Trade Union of ENEA Wytwarzanie Sp. z o.o.
  • Inter-Company Trade Union of the ENEA Group Employees
  • “Synergia” Inter-Company Trade Union of the ENEA Group Employees – NSZZ “Solidarność” Inter-Company Organization of ENEA
  • Inter-Company Trade Union Organization of the Trade Union of Engineers and Technicians in ENEA S.A.
  • Inter-Company Power Engineering Trade Union of ENEA Wytwarzanie Sp. z o.o.
  • Inter-Company Trade Union of the ENEA Group Employees
  • Inter-Company Trade Union of Continuous Operation Employees of ENEA S.A. Group
  • “Synergia” Inter-Company Trade Union of the ENEA Group Employees – NSZZ “Solidarność” Inter-Company Organization of ENEA
  • “Energetyk” Inter-Company Trade Union Organization in Połaniec
  • NSZZ “Solidarność” Inter-Company Trade Union of Employees of the Połaniec Power Plant and the Companies
  • Inter-Company Trade Union of Supervision Employees of the Połaniec Power Plant
  • Inter-Company Trade Union of Continuous Operation Employees in Połaniec
  • Inter-Company Trade Union of Supervision Employees of the Połaniec Power Plant in Zawada
  • “Synergia” Inter-Company Trade Union of the ENEA Group Employees
  • NSZZ “Solidarność” Company Commission at ENEA Wytwarzanie sp. z o.o.
  • Inter-Company Power Engineering Trade Union of ENEA Wytwarzanie Sp. z o.o.
  • Inter-Company Trade Union of Shift Workers of ENEA Wytwarzanie sp. z o.o.
  • National Union of Heat Sector Employees, Inter-Company Trade Union Organization at ENEA Ciepło sp. z o.o. in Białystok
  • Inter-Company Trade Union Organization of the Trade Union of Engineers and Technicians in ENEA S.A.
  • Inter-Company Power Engineering Trade Union of ENEA Wytwarzanie Sp. z o.o.
  • Inter-Company Trade Union of Supervision Employees of the Połaniec Power Plant
  • Inter-Company Trade Union of the ENEA Group Employees
  • Inter-Company Trade Union of Supervision Employees of the Połaniec Power Plant in Zawada
  • “Synergia” Inter-Company Trade Union of ENEA Group Employees
  • NSZZ “Solidarność” Inter-Company Organization of ENEA
  • NSZZ “Solidarność” Inter-Company Organization of Lubelski Węgiel „Bogdanka” S.A.
  • Trade Union of Miners in Poland at Lubelski Węgiel Bogdanka S.A.
  • “Kadra” Trade Union at Lubelski Węgiel Bogdanka S.A.
  • “Przeróbka” Trade Union of Employees of Mechanical Coal Processing Plants in Poland at Lubelski Węgiel “Bogdanka” S.A.

The management boards of Group companies are engaged in continuous dialog with trade unions. In 2019, a social contract was signed, which among others set out the rules of stabilization of employment. Additionally, in response to postulates of trade unions in respect to salary growth, annual salary negotiations are conducted, unless the parties agree otherwise. The year 2021 was such a case, when a salary growth agreement was signed for 2021 and 2022. Social stakeholders actively cooperate with employers in amendments to internal labor regulations.

Lubelski Węgiel “Bogdanka” S.A. has appointed a permanent Committee on Amendments to the Internal Collective Bargaining Agreement, through which it conducts the process of the employer’s continuous negotiations with trade unions. In other companies, task forces are appointed when the bargaining agreements need amending.

  • 102-41

ENEA Group companies, in which Employees are covered by internal collective bargaining agreements

Spółka % of employees* covered by collective bargaining agreements
ENEA Operator 99.5%
ENEA Ciepło – Białystok Division 99.5%
ENEA Ciepło Serwis 99.3%
ENEA Wytwarzanie 98.9%
ENEA Połaniec Power Plant 98.9%
ENEA Ciepło – Head Office 98.9%
ENEA Połaniec Serwis 98.6%
Lubelski Węgiel „Bogdanka” 98.0%
ENEA Pomiary 96.4%
ENEA Serwis 95.7%
ENEA Logistyka 94.9%
ENEA S.A. 94.5%
ENEA Oświetlenie 94.2%
PEC Oborniki 93.3%
ENEA Centrum 88.7%
ENEA Nowa Energia 84.0%**
ENEA Trading 67.3%**
*Persons employed under employment contracts and providing work for a company under a civil law contract or a management contract, as well as persons employed by employment agencies and trainees (as at 31 December 2021).
** Employees who transferred between companies on the basis of 23' retained their rights to privileges arising from the collective bargaining agreement of the company from which they transferred.

Collective bargaining agreements do not cover employees of: ENEA Bioenergia, ENEA Innowacje, MEC Piła, Łęczyńska Energetyka RG “Bogdanka” and MR “Bogdanka”.

ENEA Group employees influence the operation of their companies and the Group also by electing their representatives to supervisory boards (of most of the Group companies*) and through the possibility of electing employee representatives to employee councils (currently in ENEA Elektrownia Połaniec S.A.).

* In ENEA S.A. and ENEA Wytwarzanie this right is derived directly from the Act on commercialization and certain employee rights.

ENEA S.A. amended its internal collective bargaining agreement in the part regarding medical packages. The amendments adapted the provisions of the internal collective bargaining agreement to the existing agreement on medical benefits.

In ENEA Ciepło, in June 2021, an additional protocol to the internal collective bargaining agreement introduced a new remuneration component: an annual bonus constituting 1% of the annual salary fund from the previous year. Then, starting in August 2021, a bonus amounting to 15% of basic salary (previously 10%) was introduced.

In the Białystok CHP Plant Division of ENEA Ciepło, the additional protocol No. 2 to the Collective Bargaining Agreement came in effect by 1 January 2021. It amended the company’s salary table and base rates and the provisions governing the payment of jubilee awards.

In ENEA Innowacje, the remuneration regulations were implemented for the first time, setting out the rules for awarding annual bonuses, awards and salary allowances.

ENEA Trading focused on, among others, unifying the remuneration rules for Employees by introducing a uniform Collective Bargaining Agreement. The work will continue in 2022.

In ENEA Serwis, the Procedure for the Implementation of Development Activities for ENEA Serwis sp. z o.o. Employees was adopted and the provisions of the internal collective bargaining agreement were amended. Among other things, the amendments related to the employer’s obligation to cover the costs of medical check-ups, preventive examinations and other tests ordered by an occupational medicine physician, and the offering of additional medical benefits to Employees.

In RG “Bogdanka”, a salary agreement was negotiated and annexes to the remuneration regulations and the regulations of the company social benefits fund were adopted.

Occupational health and safety

  • 103-1
  • 103-2
  • 103-3
  • S-S1
  • 403-7

As regards occupational health and safety, the ENEA Group operates in accordance the applicable regulations while constantly adjusting its internal policies in this respect to the regulatory environment. Group companies strive to eliminate accidents at work and occupational diseases and to raise awareness of occupational hazards among Employees (among others through training and knowledge contests), as well as to increase their responsibility and involvement in improving safety at work. They also introduce further ergonomic improvements (e.g. equipping workstations with footrests or wrist pads, replacing office chairs with ones with adjustable armrests).

Because of the ongoing epidemic, a Crisis Management Center was established to monitor the COVID-19 situation on an ongoing basis, assesses risks, issues recommendations on work organization and communicates with Employees on the existing hazards through information guides, instructions, and messages. Work in the office was organized in accordance with the sanitary restrictions and the possibility of remote work was provided. All OHS orders, indications and guidelines relating to the ongoing epidemic are drawn up by the COVID-19 prevention, containment and combat staff operating at the level of individual companies. In addition, the risks associated with the disease and protection measures are taken into account in occupational risk assessment processes.

The Group monitors new technical, organizational and human solutions, which affect the level of OHS. Its state is continuously monitored and improved, which is supported by the policies, procedures and instructions that are in place. They require, among others, regular inspection of tools and equipment, ongoing monitoring of working conditions and influencing Employee awareness and conduct.

Wiktoria Kępczyńska

specialist at ENEA S.A.

  • 403-4

Some units have social labor inspectors appointed in accordance with the Rules and Regulations for appointing Social Labor Inspectors in the ENEA Group, who inspect the OHS conditions on behalf of employees and put forward improvement proposals. Employee representatives also sit on OHS committees operating in some of the companies.

OHS documents in leading ENEA Group companies which are important in this area

  • ENEA S.A.’s Work Rules and Regulations
  • OHS training programs for ENEA S.A.
  • Occupational risk assessment
  • Other instructions (Instruction on occupational risk assessment and documentation; first aid instructions; fire safety instructions)
  • Procedure of occupational risk assessment and documentation in ENEA Operator Sp. z o.o.
  • Fire safety procedure in ENEA Operator Sp. z o.o.
  • Procedure defining the principles of cooperation in OHS area between ENEA Operator Sp. z o.o. and Contractors
  • Periodic OHS training procedure in ENEA Operator Sp. z o.o.
  • Training procedure for live-line working in ENEA Operator Sp. z o.o.
  • Fall protection procedure for working at height in ENEA Operator Sp. z o.o.
  • Procedure for the organization of safe work with power generators in ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.
  • Procedure of work organization during tree, branch and undergrowth removal in ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.
  • Procedure for granting authorization to issue orders on live working with power devices in ENEA Operator Sp. z o.o.
  • Procedure for record-keeping and inspection of electrical insulation protective equipment and voltage indicating devices in ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.
  • Document circulation procedure for specialist instructions on the fall protection and evacuation rules while working at height in ENEA Operator Sp. z o.o.
  • First Aid Procedure in ENEA Operator Sp. z o.o.
  • Integrated Management System including the Occupational Health and Safety Management System
  • Instruction on Safe Work Organization in ENEA Elektrownia Połaniec S.A.
  • Instruction on conduct in case of accidents and sudden illnesses and post-accident procedure
  • Instruction on conducting and documenting OHS training
  • Instruction on the assignment of working clothes and footwear, personal protective equipment and cleaning products to employees
  • Fire safety instruction in ENEA Elektrownia Połaniec S.A.
  • Instruction on the tobacco smoking ban, including novel tobacco products and electronic cigarettes
  • Occupational health and safety monitoring procedure
  • Procedure to identify hazards, assess occupational risk and other risks for the OHS management system
  • Policy of Integrated Quality, Environmental and OHS Management System
  • OHS Monitoring Procedure
  • Procedure Identification of hazards and evaluation of OHS risks and opportunities
  • Instructions (Instruction on the assessment of occupational risk at workplace; Instruction on the investigation of accidents at work, occupational diseases and potential occurrences; Instruction on the Safe Work Organization; job and OHS instructions, OHS instructions on the operation of devices)
  • Work Rules and Regulations for Employees of ENEA Wytwarzanie Sp. z o.o.
  • Policy against mobbing, discrimination and other unacceptable conduct in ENEA Wytwarzanie Sp. z o.o.
  • Ordinance on the employer’s responsibility for OHS
  • Induction, on-the-job and regular training programs for employees,
  • Rules and Regulations of Organizational Units of ENEA Wytwarzanie Sp. z o.o.
  • Mine Safety Document
  • PZ/S/05/01 Accidents at work and near-accident events
  • PZ/S/05/02 Accidents on the way to or from work
  • PZ/S/05/03 Management of occupational risk
  • PZ/S/05/04 Monitoring of OHS area
  • PZ/S/05/05 Monitoring of legal regulations and standards in OHS area
  • PZ/S/05/06 Highly hazardous work
  • PZ/S/05/07 Dealing with suspected occupational diseases
  • PZ/S/05/08 Plans to improve OHS conditions
  • PZ/S/05/09 Management of the Safety Document
  • PZ/S/05/10 Work environment monitoring
  • Work Rules and Regulations
  • Guidelines and instructions of the Integrated Quality, Environmental and Safety Management System
  • Code of Ethics for LW “Bogdanka” S.A. Group
  • Internal Collective Bargaining Agreement
  • Ordinance of the Management Board and the Mining Operations Manager.
  • Orders of the Management Board and the Mining Operations Manager.
  • Procedure for reporting accidents at work
  • Warehouse OHS instructions (Instruction on the use of a forklift truck; Instruction on the use of a mobile platform; Instruction on manual transportation activities)
  • Instruction on the operation and maintenance of shelving racks
  • Instruction on the use of a pneumatic table sealer
  • Instruction on spraying electricity meters with a spray gun
  • Fire emergency instruction
  • Other instructions (Instruction on the use of a computer with a display screen and a printer; Instruction on the use of a shredder)
  • Procedure for reporting accidents at work and accidents while traveling to or from work in ENEA Serwis Sp. z o.o.
  • Procedure for live-line working
  • Instructions (Office/administrative job instruction; Wireman job instruction; other job instructions)
  • Work Rules and Regulations for ENEA Oświetlenie Sp. z o.o. Employees
  • Procedure for live-line working with power devices in ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.
  • – OHS-related instructions (among others: Instruction on the organization of safe work with power devices in ENEA Oświetlenie sp. z o.o.; Electrical equipment installer job instruction; Non-electrician job instruction; Instruction on the use of lines and road lighting devices in ENEA Oświetlenie sp. z o.o.; Electrical equipment installer job instruction on measurement of power devices of a portable measuring laboratory; instructions on marking of road lane works; OHS instruction on transport, unloading/loading, storage and assembly of lighting poles; OHS instruction on warehousing and storage of materials; OHS instruction on transport works; OHS instruction on the ladder use; OHS instruction on the use of a computer and a printer)
  • OHS instruction on the use of office equipment (e.g. binder machines, photocopiers) and OHS instruction on the use of other equipment (e.g. drills, circular saws for wood cutting, grinders)
  • Rules of operation of power devices in ENEA Operator Sp. z o.o. 

OHS issues are also taken into consideration in internal collective bargaining agreements.

  • 403-1
  • 403-8

In ENEA Bioenergia, ENEA Elektrownia Połaniec, ENEA Wytwarzanie and Lubelski Węgiel “Bogdanka”, OHS management systems conforming to the PN-ISO 45001:2018 standard have been implemented, which cover all Employees and all individuals, whose work or work location is controlled by the company*. This means that the system also covers the employees of ENEA Połaniec Serwis as a contractor providing services to the Połaniec Power Plant and at its sites.

*This means that the system also covers the employees of ENEA Połaniec Serwis as a contractor providing services to the Połaniec Power Plant and at its sites.

  • Internal indicator 14
  • 403-5
  • 403-7

In connection with the epidemic situation in the previous year, the Group companies adopted regulations for managing the risk of spreading the SARS‐CoV‐2 virus, defining the security rules regarding work organization (remote work, work on a rotating basis), rules for movement of people and technical measures reducing the risk of COVID-19. Furthermore, activities commenced in 2020 were continued to protect employers against being infected with SARS-CoV-2. The epidemic situation was monitored and where possible, remote work or rotation system for employees were introduced to prevent them from gathering in large groups. Limits for the number of people in each room were also maintained as well as disinfections of rooms. Employees were continued to be supplied with personal protection equipment (face masks, antibacterial gels and gloves).

Employees were regularly provided with key information on infection prevention methods in and outside the workplace, including vaccinations against COVID-19. Via text messages and internal communication channels, including e-mails, posters and a separate tab on the intranet website, employees were continuously provided with information by the PR and Communication Department about the epidemic situation within the Group, decisions made by crisis centers and new guidelines issued by the government and sanitary inspection services. Employees were encouraged to ask questions about COVID-19 using a dedicated e-mail address.

In January 2022, it was decided to make employees return to offices in accordance with the rules of sanitary regime. But in connection with fast-changing epidemic situation, decisions are made on an ongoing basis. Because of a dramatic increase in infections associated with the fifth wave of infections, remote work was recommended again. At the beginning of March 2022, the outbreak situation improved, so starting on 7 March 2022, employees returned to stationary work while observing the safety regime, i.e. maintaining 1.5m of distance between workstations and using protective masks.

ENEA Bioenergia, in cooperation with the Central Institute for Labor Protection – a State Research Institute, performed quantitative and qualitative tests of harmful microbiological factors in selected sampling points within the plant. The company also conducted a survey among employees concerning various aspects of workplace safety.

ENEA Centrum performed an inspection of working conditions in all units, in which people employed by the company perform work, and purchased lux meters, range finders and decibel meters for the OHS team.

ENEA Nowa Energia adopted OHS procedures used in ENEA Wytwarzanie.

ENEA Elektrownia Połaniec developed an OHS improvement program and conducted educational activities (e.g. the “OHS Leader” competition for employees, 23rd edition of the OHS knowledge contest). Training and inspections under the campaign named “We only engage in safe work” was continued to improve the work safety of contractors. Moreover, as part of the National Fire-Fighting and Rescue System exercises, the preparation of rescue services and the power plant for cooperation in emergencies was tested, and a training for employees was delivered by a representative of the

Central Institute for Labor Protection, to raise awareness of the hazards, in particular electromagnetic hazards, existing in their work environment.

ENEA Operator carried out an education campaign on risks related to the movement of employees. As part of prevention activities, 12 issues of the monthly “Safe Work Bulletin” were published, of which 6 were related directly to the campaign; information signs were put up along pedestrian routes, and posters warning of the risks mentioned during the training were prepared and put up. Additionally, two medical air purifiers were purchased as part of COVID-19 prevention.

The personnel at ENEA Wytwarzanie was vaccinated with a flu vaccine.

ENEA Oświetlenie improved the ergonomics and comfort of office work (by purchasing new armchairs and upgrading air conditioners), and purchased safety equipment for working at heights.

Lubelski Węgiel “Bogdanka” introduced the obligation for subcontractors to prepare and deliver the so-called “safe work performance instructions” before they commence work. A guide for contractors was also prepared, containing basic information on the required personal protection equipment, existing hazards and instructions on how to move within the facility. The company continued its collaboration with the Medical University of Lublin – the Medical Simulation Center, on specialized first aid and advanced medical assistance training for employees. The company also prepared and displayed, on screens located in places where the crews gathered before entering the lift underground, reconstructions of occupational accidents and how work can be performed properly. It also organized for its employees a COVID-19 voluntary vaccination campaign and an OHS knowledge contest.

Łęczyńska Energetyka updated its Instruction on safe organization of work at power equipment and purchased large quantities of equipment, including multi-gas meters and dust suits.

MR “Bogdanka” established a team to improve OHS conditions and organization of work, conducted a training on safe welding methods, which also provided a platform for employees to express their opinion on the personal protection equipment they used. Equipment to improve work safety was also purchased, including an overhead crane radio-controlled from the working level.

RG “Bogdanka” also developed and implemented a safety improvement plan, updated the post-accident procedure and created numerous new instructions (e.g. for inspecting the equipment for working at heights, for the operation of power tools, OHS in electric welding, OHS in gas welding). It also conducted an OHS knowledge contest for employees.

ENEA Połaniec Serwis developed and implemented internal technological instructions and instructions for the safe performance of maintenance and repair work. It also purchased personal protection equipment for working at heights and material handling equipment was purchased (including winches and chain hoists, assembly cranes, carts, manipulators). 20 employees were trained in first aid and a company OHS knowledge contest was held.

At ENEA Pomiary, occupational risk assessment forms for subcontractors were updated.

At ENEA Trading, audits of offices were carried out with respect to OHS, including the risk of infection with COVID-19.

At ENEA Ciepło, in workshop rooms collective protection equipment was installed in the form of mechanical extractors and ventilators. In work rooms, notices were placed with key information about threats of SARS‐CoV‐2 virus and security principles.

The Białystok CHP Plant Division of ENEA Ciepło introduced a document entitled Cardinal OHS Rules at ENEA Ciepło Sp. z o.o., Białystok CHP Plant Division. It also amended the regulations concerning the safe work organization, investigation of the causes and circumstances of workplace accidents, assessment of professional risk and standards for work clothes and shoes. Numerous organizational initiatives also took place, including assembly of additional guards around conveyors, inclusion of new factors in referrals for medical tests, adding new signs to further workstations/devices informing about failure or shutdown or replacing high temperature warning with new ones.

At ENEA Ciepło Serwis, heavy construction machines were purchased for earthworks. Also, tick-borne encephalitis vaccinations were provided to employees working with biomass and cutting down bushes along the railway siding.

Among employees of ENEA Centrum, a survey was conducted on the basis of which initiatives were prepared and implemented to minimize the sense of isolation for people working remotely.

In 2021, ENEA Elektrownia Połaniec received the Gold Card of a Safe Work Leader and ENEA Bioenergia – the Green Card of a Safe Work Leader – from the Central Institute for Labor Protection – National Research Institute.

  • 403-9

Accidents at work in the ENEA Group

Accidents at work in the ENEA Group in 2021
Number of fatalities Number of all the reported accidents
Employees 0 1 0 176 163 162
Subcontractors 2 0* 0* 129 95* 107*
* No data available for employees of ENEA Serwis’ subcontractors.

Health promotion programs

  • 403-6

Many ENEA Group companies provide their employees with access to private medical services and health care not directly linked to the professional are, purchasing appropriate subscriptions for them. Employees usually receive a basic package allowing them to use a specific set of specialist consultations and prevention programs (tests, vaccinations). The employees may pay for an extension of this package and also for the medical care to cover their family members. Moreover, some companies offer the possibility of taking out a medicine insurance, including for family members.

ENEA Połaniec, ENEA Połaniec Serwis and ENEA Bioenergia pay for above-standard medical services provided to employees, their family members and retired employees, in the medical center located near the work establishment. Employees of those companies may also apply for the employer’s support in case of a severe or a long-lasting illness (e.g. for purchasing medicines or rehabilitation equipment, financing a surgery).

The Group companies and the ENEA Foundation organize regular prevention campaigns for Employees, which include advice, lectures or tests.

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