In connection with the epidemic situation in the previous year, the Group companies adopted regulations for managing the risk of spreading the SARS‐CoV‐2 virus, defining the security rules regarding work organization (remote work, work on a rotating basis), rules for movement of people and technical measures reducing the risk of COVID-19. Furthermore, activities commenced in 2020 were continued to protect employers against being infected with SARS-CoV-2. The epidemic situation was monitored and where possible, remote work or rotation system for employees were introduced to prevent them from gathering in large groups. Limits for the number of people in each room were also maintained as well as disinfections of rooms. Employees were continued to be supplied with personal protection equipment (face masks, antibacterial gels and gloves).
Employees were regularly provided with key information on infection prevention methods in and outside the workplace, including vaccinations against COVID-19. Via text messages and internal communication channels, including e-mails, posters and a separate tab on the intranet website, employees were continuously provided with information by the PR and Communication Department about the epidemic situation within the Group, decisions made by crisis centers and new guidelines issued by the government and sanitary inspection services. Employees were encouraged to ask questions about COVID-19 using a dedicated e-mail address.
In January 2022, it was decided to make employees return to offices in accordance with the rules of sanitary regime. But in connection with fast-changing epidemic situation, decisions are made on an ongoing basis. Because of a dramatic increase in infections associated with the fifth wave of infections, remote work was recommended again. At the beginning of March 2022, the outbreak situation improved, so starting on 7 March 2022, employees returned to stationary work while observing the safety regime, i.e. maintaining 1.5m of distance between workstations and using protective masks.
ENEA Bioenergia, in cooperation with the Central Institute for Labor Protection – a State Research Institute, performed quantitative and qualitative tests of harmful microbiological factors in selected sampling points within the plant. The company also conducted a survey among employees concerning various aspects of workplace safety.
ENEA Centrum performed an inspection of working conditions in all units, in which people employed by the company perform work, and purchased lux meters, range finders and decibel meters for the OHS team.
ENEA Nowa Energia adopted OHS procedures used in ENEA Wytwarzanie.
ENEA Elektrownia Połaniec developed an OHS improvement program and conducted educational activities (e.g. the “OHS Leader” competition for employees, 23rd edition of the OHS knowledge contest). Training and inspections under the campaign named “We only engage in safe work” was continued to improve the work safety of contractors. Moreover, as part of the National Fire-Fighting and Rescue System exercises, the preparation of rescue services and the power plant for cooperation in emergencies was tested, and a training for employees was delivered by a representative of the
Central Institute for Labor Protection, to raise awareness of the hazards, in particular electromagnetic hazards, existing in their work environment.
ENEA Operator carried out an education campaign on risks related to the movement of employees. As part of prevention activities, 12 issues of the monthly “Safe Work Bulletin” were published, of which 6 were related directly to the campaign; information signs were put up along pedestrian routes, and posters warning of the risks mentioned during the training were prepared and put up. Additionally, two medical air purifiers were purchased as part of COVID-19 prevention.
The personnel at ENEA Wytwarzanie was vaccinated with a flu vaccine.
ENEA Oświetlenie improved the ergonomics and comfort of office work (by purchasing new armchairs and upgrading air conditioners), and purchased safety equipment for working at heights.
Lubelski Węgiel “Bogdanka” introduced the obligation for subcontractors to prepare and deliver the so-called “safe work performance instructions” before they commence work. A guide for contractors was also prepared, containing basic information on the required personal protection equipment, existing hazards and instructions on how to move within the facility. The company continued its collaboration with the Medical University of Lublin – the Medical Simulation Center, on specialized first aid and advanced medical assistance training for employees. The company also prepared and displayed, on screens located in places where the crews gathered before entering the lift underground, reconstructions of occupational accidents and how work can be performed properly. It also organized for its employees a COVID-19 voluntary vaccination campaign and an OHS knowledge contest.
Łęczyńska Energetyka updated its Instruction on safe organization of work at power equipment and purchased large quantities of equipment, including multi-gas meters and dust suits.
MR “Bogdanka” established a team to improve OHS conditions and organization of work, conducted a training on safe welding methods, which also provided a platform for employees to express their opinion on the personal protection equipment they used. Equipment to improve work safety was also purchased, including an overhead crane radio-controlled from the working level.
RG “Bogdanka” also developed and implemented a safety improvement plan, updated the post-accident procedure and created numerous new instructions (e.g. for inspecting the equipment for working at heights, for the operation of power tools, OHS in electric welding, OHS in gas welding). It also conducted an OHS knowledge contest for employees.
ENEA Połaniec Serwis developed and implemented internal technological instructions and instructions for the safe performance of maintenance and repair work. It also purchased personal protection equipment for working at heights and material handling equipment was purchased (including winches and chain hoists, assembly cranes, carts, manipulators). 20 employees were trained in first aid and a company OHS knowledge contest was held.
At ENEA Pomiary, occupational risk assessment forms for subcontractors were updated.
At ENEA Trading, audits of offices were carried out with respect to OHS, including the risk of infection with COVID-19.
At ENEA Ciepło, in workshop rooms collective protection equipment was installed in the form of mechanical extractors and ventilators. In work rooms, notices were placed with key information about threats of SARS‐CoV‐2 virus and security principles.
The Białystok CHP Plant Division of ENEA Ciepło introduced a document entitled Cardinal OHS Rules at ENEA Ciepło Sp. z o.o., Białystok CHP Plant Division. It also amended the regulations concerning the safe work organization, investigation of the causes and circumstances of workplace accidents, assessment of professional risk and standards for work clothes and shoes. Numerous organizational initiatives also took place, including assembly of additional guards around conveyors, inclusion of new factors in referrals for medical tests, adding new signs to further workstations/devices informing about failure or shutdown or replacing high temperature warning with new ones.
At ENEA Ciepło Serwis, heavy construction machines were purchased for earthworks. Also, tick-borne encephalitis vaccinations were provided to employees working with biomass and cutting down bushes along the railway siding.
Among employees of ENEA Centrum, a survey was conducted on the basis of which initiatives were prepared and implemented to minimize the sense of isolation for people working remotely.