ESG Report of the
ENEA Capital Group for 2021


Glossary of terms


Abbreviation/term Full name/definition
BAT Best Available Techniques – a document drawing conclusions on best available techniques for the installations concerned and indicating the emission levels associated with the best available techniques.
OHS Occupational health and safety
CAPEX Capital expenditures on property, plant and equipment, intangible assets and right-to-use asset
CDS (Clean dark spread) Difference between revenue from sales of electricity produced and the variable costs related to production of that electricity (unit CO₂ cost and unit cost of coal including transportation).
CO2 Carbon dioxide
Compliance Assurance of compliance of the organization’s activities with the applicable law and internal regulations.
CSR (ang. Corporate Social Responsibility) Corporate Social Responsibility. Responsibility of an organization for the impact exerted by its decisions and actions on society and the environment; it is ensured by transparent and ethical conduct, which:
  • contributes to sustainable development, including wellbeing and health of the society,
  • takes stakeholder expectations into account,
  • complies with the applicable law and consistent with international standards of conduct,
  • is integrated with the organization’s activities and is practiced in its relations.
Derogation Repealing part of a legal standard, e.g. an emission standard, to be replaced or not with a new one
IED Directive 2010/75/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 November 2010 concerning industrial emissions. It tightens the standards for emissions of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and dust from combustion plants
EBITDA Operating profit before deduction of interests on interest-bearing liabilities (loans, bonds), taxes, amortization of intangible assets and depreciation of property, plant and equipment
Coal mining using the top coal caving method A coal mining method, in which the ceiling of a mining pit is forced to cave by using explosives and the top coal fills the empty mining pit.
ESG Environmental, social and governance factors
EUA EU Emission Allowance – emission allowance under the European Emissions Trading System
EU ETS European Emissions Trading System A European scheme to promote the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
FDIR Fault Detection, Isolation, Restoration, a system enabling automatic detection of faults, isolation of the damage site and restoration of power supply.
Circular economy (GOZ) A concept, in which products, materials and raw materials remain in economy for as long as possible and waste, if created, is treated as secondary resource.
GWh Gigawatt-hour
HCl Hydrogen chloride
HF Hydrogen fluoride
Hg Mercury
HR Human resources
Stakeholder  A person or group of persons interested in decisions or activities of an organization. A stakeholder is anyone who influences an organization and anyone influenced by it.
Internet of Things A concept according to which various items, such as household appliances, lighting and heating products, may directly or indirectly collect, process or exchange data via a power installation or a computer network. The purpose of this concept is to create smart cities, transport, products, buildings, power supply systems, health systems or daily life systems.
FGD Flue gas desulphurization and heavy metal reduction installation.
IT Information technology. Computer hardware and software as well as tools and other techniques related to the collection, processing, transmission, storage, protection and presentation of information.
Combined heat and power generation A technological process of simultaneous generation of electricity and useful thermal energy in a CHP plant
LED Light Emitting Diodes
Supply chain A sequence of actions or parties supplying products or services to an organization.
The value chain A sequence of actions taken by a company to develop, create, sell and deliver a product or service and then provide after-sales services.
Mg Megagram, or a ton.
Pulverized coal Bituminous coal with grain sized from 0 to 20 mm
Mobbing Bullying, persistent harassment and intimidation, psychological violence against a subordinate or co-worker in the workplace
MWe Megawatt of electrical power
MWh Megawatt-hour (1 GWh = 1,000 MWh)
MWt Megawatt of thermal power
NH3 Ammonia
Nm3  Normalized cubic meter of gas, i.e. the number of cubic meters that the gas would occupy in normal conditions
LV Low voltage grid supplying individual users with 50 Hz alternating current at 230 V phase voltage
NOx Nitrogen oxides
Transmission System Operator Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne S.A., a company wholly-owned by the State Treasury, which owns highest voltage grids and therefore is the operator of the power transmission system
OPEX Operating expenditures – expenditures related to product, business or system maintenance.
Origination The activity of ENEA Trading, in which the wholesale trade business is extended by adding non-standard products and the company generates revenues among others through electricity sales agreements that ENEA Trading concludes with renewable energy producers (electricity purchased by ENEA Trading is then sold on the wholesale electricity market, mainly on the power exchange).
DSO Distribution System Operator
DSOn A Distribution System Operator, whose distribution network has no direct connection with the TSO’s transmission network.
TSO Transmission System Operator
RES Renewable energy sources
Prop – Trading The activity of ENEA Trading consisting of generating a profit based on trading on the company’s own account in contracts listed on commodity exchange markets.
Prosument A person who generates electricity from renewable energy sources for own needs using a micro-installation, capable of storing energy and transferring surplus energy to the power grid
PV Photovoltaics
PUODO President of the Personal Data Protection Office
Employee Council Employee representation body established by the Act of 7 April 2006 on Informing Employees and Consultations with Them (Journal of Laws 2006 No. 79 Item 550). Employee Council should be established in employers who conduct business activity and have at least 50 employees. This obligation does not apply among others to employers subject to the provisions of the Act who had signed, by 24 May 2006, an agreement with employee representatives ensuring the degree of information and consultation at least equal to the conditions required by the act.
RDF Refuse Derived Fuel – fuel produced from waste with a high calorific value.
DAM Day-Ahead Market (DAM) has been operating since 30 June 2000. It is a spot electricity market in Poland. Since the beginning of quotation, DAM prices are a benchmark for energy prices in bilateral contracts in Poland. The DAM is intended for the companies that want to actively and safely close their electricity purchase/sales portfolios on an ongoing basis at particular hours of the day
Balancing market Technical market operated by TSOs. Its objective is to ensure real-time balancing of demand for electricity and its production in the Polish Power System (NPS)
SPOT market Cash market (spot)
Forward market Electricity market where forward products are listed
SAIDI System Average Interruption Duration Index – index of the system average duration of a long and very long interruptions (expressed in minutes per Customer)
SAIFI System Average Interruption Frequency Index – indicator of the system average frequency of long interruptions in energy supply (expressed in the number of interruptions per Customer)
SCoTA Standard Coal Trading Agreement – a standard agreement used on the international coal market
SCR (ang. Selective Catalytic Reduction) Catalytic denitrification of flue gas. It entails reduction of nitrogen oxides to atmospheric nitrogen on the surface of a catalyst, using substances containing ammonia.
Smart Grid Smart electrical grids, which feature communication between all the participants on the energy market, in order to supply energy services at lower costs, enhance efficiency and integrate dispersed energy sources, including renewable energy sources.
MV Medium voltage grid, in which the phase-to-phase voltage ranges from 1 kV to 60 kV
SO2 Sulfur dioxide
Social labor inspection Social service provided by employees to ensure that the company ensures safe and healthy working conditions and to protect employee rights specified in labor law. Social labor inspectors cooperate with the National Labor Inspectorate and other authorities overseeing and inspecting working conditions. The principal scope of their activity is defined in the Social Labor Inspection Act of 24 June 1983 (Journal of Laws 2015, Item 567).
PPE Polish Power Exchange
toe Tons of oil equivalent – an energy equivalent of one metric ton of oil with the calorific value of 10000 kcal/kg
TWh Terawatt-hour
ERO Energy Regulatory Office
HV High voltage grid. An electric power transmission grid, in which the phase-to-phase voltage ranges from 60 to 200 kV (in Poland: 110 kV). This grid is used to transmit electricity over large distances.
Scope 1 Direct CO₂ emissions resulting from fuel combustion in stationary or mobile sources owned by an organization or under its control, emissions resulting from manufacturing or processing or fugitive emissions of coolants.
Scope 2 Electricity indirect CO₂ emissions resulting from the generation of consumed electricity, heat, processing steam and cooling, purchased or supplied from outside.
Scope 3 Other indirect CO₂ emissions created in the company’s entire value chain, e.g. in the production of raw materials, semi-finished products, management of waste, transportation of raw materials and products, business trips of employees or the use of products by final users.
Sustainable development Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs and considers the expectations of the surrounding communities and societal, environmental and economic challenges. It enables permanent increase of the value of an organization and rational management of resources.
Internal Collective Bargaining Agreement An agreement between an employer and trade unions, which defines, among others, duties of the employer towards employees and guaranteed employee rights.

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