ESG Report of the
ENEA Capital Group for 2021


40. Explanatory notes for the consolidated statement of cash flows

The following table shows a reconciliation of changes in working capital in the consolidated statement of cash flows and changes in the consolidated statement of financial position:

Year ended
31 December 2021 31 December 2020
Changes in CO2 emission allowances in balance sheet (330 919)  (1 153 931) 
Changes in CO2 emission allowances in cash flow statement (330 919)  (1 153 931) 
Change in inventory on the balance sheet 14 055  246 320 
adjustment of depreciation by change in product levels and considerations for own purposes (3 125)
depreciation of re-usable materials (1 270) (4 454)
Change in inventory in the cash flow statement 9 660  241 866 
Change in trade and other receivables, assets arising from contracts with customers in the balance sheet (1 271 044)  (51 431) 
VAT and income tax offset (2 946) 1 429
transaction costs 436 2 055
CIT receivables 1 492 (140)
bond programs (30) (917)
finance leases 517 (219)
other 481 (1 652)
Change in trade and other receivables, assets arising from contracts with customers in the cash flow statement (1 271 094)  (50 875) 
Change in trade and other payables and liabilities arising from contracts with customers in the balance sheet 2 595 662  279 265 
investment commitments (20 000) 44 562
interest charged and not paid 51
adjustment of investment commitments by charged VAT 23 740 18 720
offset of liabilities with excess CIT paid 8 428 9 057
loan 80 000
other (146) (475)
Change in trade and other payables and liabilities arising from contracts with customers in the cash flow statement 2 607 735  431 129 
Change in employee benefit liabilities on balance sheet (107 622)  145 284 
actuarial gains/losses recognised in other comprehensive income 103 808 (77 658)
other (530) 68
Change in employee benefit liabilities in cash flow statement (4 344)  67 694 
Change in accounting for subsidies and road lighting modernisation services on balance sheet 120 619  34 253 
tangible assets received free-of-charge (467) (995)
other 1
Change in accounting for subsidies and road lighting modernisation services in cash flow statement 120 152  33 259 
Change in other provisions for liabilities and other charges in balance sheet 1 061 759  956 158 
elimination of change in provision for Mine Closure Fund 84 750 (31 123)
recognition/release of provision for settlements with Elektrownia Ostrołęka 175 707 (222 200)
other (9 880) 75
Change in other provisions for liabilities and other charges in cash flow statement 1 312 336  702 910 

Purchase of financial assets

In the item 'Purchase of financial assets’ in investing activities, the Group reports changes in deposits with maturities of over 3 months, while the item 'Proceeds from disposal of financial assets’ includes movements in deposits with maturities of over 3 months and the sale of shares in PGE EJ 1.

The following tables show a reconciliation of debt in the consolidated statement of financial position and in the consolidated statement of cash flows:

Reconciliation of bank credit and loans

As at
31 December 2021 31 December 2020
As at 1 January 1 953 764  2 130 633 
Credit and loans received 1 275 2 308
Repayment of credit and loans (217 154) (176 371)
Measurement and transaction costs 1 266 (2 806)
As at 31 December 1 739 151  1 953 764 

Reconciliation of bonds

As at
31 December 2021 31 December 2020
As at 1 January 5 878 053  7 775 391 
Bond buy-back (997 110) (1 894 310)
Measurement and transaction costs 14 711 (3 028)
As at 31 December 4 895 654  5 878 053 

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