ESG Report of the
ENEA Capital Group for 2021


Operating segments

The Group presents segment information in accordance with IFRS 8 Operating Segments. Operating segments correspond to the reporting segments and are not aggregated. The Group’s activities are managed in operating segments that are distinct in terms of products and services. ENEA Group reports four operating segments and other activity, as shown below.

Purchase and sale of electricity.

Electricity distribution and transmission services.

Generation of electricity from conventional and renewable sources, generation of industrial heat.

Production and sale of coal, companies providing support services to mines.

Maintenance and modernisation of road lighting equipment, transport services, repair and construction services.

Segment revenue is revenue generated from sales to external customers and transactions with other segments that can be directly attributed to the given segment. In 2021, within the mining segment, external customers whose shares in the Group’s external sales exceeded 10% included: Grupa Azoty Zakłady Azotowe „Puławy” (30.0%), D.Trading International S.A. (24%) and Energa Elektrownie Ostrołęka S.A. (17.0%). Segment costs include the cost of sales to external customers and costs of transactions with other segments within the Group that result from the operating activities of a given segment and can be directly attributed to the given segment. Market prices are applied to inter-segment transactions, which makes it possible for units to generate margins sufficient to independently operate on the market. 

In analysing segment results, the Group especially focuses on EBITDA. EBITDA is defined as operating profit (calculated as result before tax adjusted by the share of results of associates and jointly controlled entities, impairment of financial assets at amortised cost, impairment of investments in jointly controlled entities, finance income, dividend income and finance costs) plus amortisation and impairment of non-financial non-current assets. Rules for determining segment results and segment assets and liabilities are in compliance with the accounting rules used in preparing consolidated financial statements. 

Information on geographic segments

The Group’s activities in 2021 and 2020 were in one geographic segment, i.e. in Poland, and all of its assets were located in Poland.

Segment results:

Segment results for the period from 1 January to 31 December 2021 are as follows: 

Net revenue from sales 8 001 642 3 238 403 9 362 775 476 700 117 151 21 196 671
Inter-segment sales 3 204 918 41 121 835 797 1 886 441 380 078 (6 348 355)
Total net revenue from sales 11 206 560 3 279 524 10 198 572 2 363 141 497 229 (6 348 355) 21 196 671
Revenue from operating leases and subleases 859 8 171 5 354 (408) 13 976
Revenue from sales and other income 11 206 560 3 279 524 10 199 431 2 371 312 502 583 (6 348 763) 21 210 647
Total costs (1334 158) (2 555 482) (9 031 967) (1 975 151) (473 071) 6 307 094 (19 062 735)
Segment result (127 598) 724 042 1 167 464 396 161 29 512 (41 669) 2 147 912
Depreciation/amortisation (3 060) (668 886) (408 890) (401 462) (74 905)
Impairment losses on non-financial non-current assets (26 114) (652) (3 358)
Segment result – EBITDA  (124 538) 1 392 928 1 602 468 798 275 107 775
% of revenue from sales and other income (1,1%) 42,5% 15,7% 33,7% 21,4%
Unallocated costs at Group level (administration expenses) (80 545)
Operating profit  2 067 367
Finance costs (214 803)
Finance income 125 106
Dividend income 227
Impairment of financial assets at amortised cost (15 825)
Share of results of associates and jointly controlled entities 192 561
Income tax (368 163)
Net profit 1 786 470
Share of profit attributable to non-controlling interests 107 934

Segment results for the period from 1 January to 31 December 2020 are as follows: 


Net revenue from sales


6 749 844


3 190 313


7 855 482


267 094


113 772



18 176 505

Inter-segment sales 3 585 598 37 829 565 189 1 545 731 354 936 (6 089 283)
Total net revenue from sales 10 335 442 3 228 142 8 420 671 1 812 825 468 708 (6 089 283) 18 176 505
Compensations 3 284 3 284
Revenue from operating leases and subleases 603 9 287 4 925 (50) 14 765
Revenue from sales and other income 10 338 726 3 228 142 8 421 274 1 822 112 473 633 (6 089 333) 18 194 554
Total costs (10 355 101) (2 548 287) (10 864 630) (1 694 685) (459 548) 6 093 093 (19 829 158)
Segment result (16 375) 679 855 (2 443 356) 127 427 14 085 3 760 (1 634 604)
Depreciation/amortisation (1 540) (633 451) (569 439) (336 549) (73 371)
Impairment losses on non-financial non-current assets (3 403 993) (6 161)
Segment result – EBITDA (14 835) 1 313 306 1 530 076 470 137 87 456
% of revenue from sales and other income (0,1%) 40,7% 18,2% 25,8% 18,5%
Unallocated costs at Group level (administration expenses) (71 655)
Operating loss (1 706 259)
Finance costs (346 336)
Finance income 54 346
Dividend income 283
Impairment of financial assets at amortised cost (144 014)
Share of results of associates and jointly controlled entities (332 361)
Impairment of investments in associates and jointly controlled entities (129 208)
Income tax 369 212
Net loss (2 234 337)
Share of profit attributable to non-controlling interests 34 075


Other information concerning segments as at 31 December 2021 and for the 12-month period ending on that day is as follows:

Trade Distribution Generation Mining Other activity Exclusions Total
Property, plant and equipment 14 649 10 281 878 6 006 882 3 097 243 356 482 (541 829) 19 215 305
Trade and other receivables 2 408 036 388 734 1 146 605 326 336 109 769 (994 551) 3 384 929
Costs related to the conclusion of agreements 22 832 22 832
Assets arising from contracts with customers 200 773 243 664 225 (31 754) 412 908
Total 2 646 290 10 914 276 7 153 712 3 423 579 466 251 (1 568 134) 23 035 974
ASSETS excluded from segments 11 591 673
including property, plant and equipment 10 170
including trade and other receivables 2 077
TOTAL ASSETS 34 627 647
Trade and other payables 466 450 614 545 946 396 329 537 114 222 (596 427) 1 874 723
Liabilities arising from contracts with customers 475 985 402 652 10 9 704 1 863 (429 878) 460 336
Total 942 435 1 017 197 946 406 339 241 116 085 (1 026 305) 2 335 059
Equity and liabilities excluded from segments 32 292 588
including trade and other payables 2 688 784
For the year ended 31 December 2021
Investment expenditures on property, plant and equipment and intangible assets 769 990 619 438 666 450 180 34 839 (42 874) 1 872 199
Investment expenditures on property, plant and equipment and intangible assets excluded from segments
Depreciation/amortisation 3 060 668 886 408 890 401 462 74 905 (21 170) 1 536 033
Amortisation excluded from segments 3 253
Recognition/(reversal/use) of impairment losses on receivables 6 051 (2 629) (16 855) 2 528 (464) 308 (11 061)
Recognition of impairment losses on non-financial non-current assets 26 114 652 3 358 30 124


Other information concerning segments as at 31 December 2020 and for the 12-month period ending on that day is as follows:

Trade Distribution Generation Mining Other activity Exclusions Total
Property, plant and equipment 14 392 9 889 504 5 978 596 3 158 735 368 500 (515 537) 18 894 190
Trade and other receivables 1 421 069 313 950 735 455 268 999 93 293 (630 881) 2 201 885
Costs related to the conclusion of agreements 24 684 24 684
Assets arising from contracts with customers 127 988 206 426 18 311 (12 297) 322 446
Total 1 588 133 10 409 880 6 714 069 3 427 734 462 104 (1 158 715) 21 443 205
ASSETS excluded from segments 8 446 658
including property, plant and equipment 9 532
including trade and other receivables 2 687
TOTAL ASSETS 29 889 863
Trade and other payables 338 466 526 855 625 379 244 462 204 054 (351 012) 1 588 204
Liabilities arising from contracts with customers 324 455 222 155 1 329 1 689 (292 166) 257 462
Total 662 921 749 010 625 379 245 791 205 743 (643 178) 1 845 666
Equity and liabilities excluded from segments 28 044 197
including trade and other payables 582 515
For the year ended 31 December 2020
Investment expenditures on property, plant and equipment and intangible assets 627 1 128 385 531 754 612 461 47 395 (55 566) 2 265 056
Investment expenditures on property, plant and equipment and intangible assets excluded from segments
Depreciation/amortisation 1 540 633 451 569 439 336 549 73 371 (18 530) 1 595 820
Amortisation excluded from segments 2 243
Recognition/(reversal/use) of impairment losses on receivables 4 095 (11 429) (10 143) (1 100) 445 (117) (18 249)
Recognition of impairment losses on non-financial non-current assets 3 403 993 6 161 3 410 154

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