ESG Report of the
ENEA Capital Group for 2021


Consolidated statement of changes in equity

Equity attributable to shareholders of the parent

Share capital (nominal amount) Reserve for revaluation and merger accounting Total share capital Share premium Revaluation reserve – measurement of financial instruments Revaluation reserve – measurement of hedging instruments Retained earnings Non-controlling interests Total equity
As at 1 January 2020 441 443 146 575 588 018  3 632 464 (16 295) (17 356) 10 268 882 1 024 058 15 479 771
Net loss for the reporting period (2 268 412) 34 075 (2 234 337)
Net other comprehensive income (88 178) (62 308) (595) (151 081)
Net comprehensive income recognised in the period  (88 178) (2 330 720) 33 480 (2 385 418)
As at 31 December 2020  441 443 146 575 588 018 3 632 464 (16 295) (105 534) 7 938 162 1 057 538 13 094 353
Net profit for the reporting period 1 678 536 107 934 1 786 470
Net other comprehensive income 17 036 214 451 63 720 2 064 297 271
Net comprehensive income recognised in the period  17 036 214 451 1 742 256 109 998 2 083 741
Dividends (86) (86)
Coverage of net loss – transfer (939 680) 939 680
Other (741) 741
As at 31 December 2021  441 443 146 575 588 018 2 692 784 108 917 10 620 839 1 167 450 15 178 008

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