ESG Report of the
ENEA Capital Group for 2021


Key non-financial performance indicators

GRI:[ ]
  • 201-1

* Total emissions related to the generation of energy by the Kozienice Power Plant, the Połaniec Power Plant, the Białystok CHP Plant, the “Zachód” Heat Plant, MEC Piła and PEC.
Relevant only for 2019 and 2020 data
** Ratio of CO₂ emissions directly related to electricity generation to total gross electricity generation. In the case of the power plants in Kozienice and Połaniec as well as Elektrociepłownia Białystok and MEC Piła, the calculations are based on total CO2 emissions from electricity and heat generation processes, i.e. for sources that generate electricity only or those that cogenerate electricity and heat. Accordingly, the calculation of the ratio does not take into account any CO2 emissions from units that generate heat only, because these emissions are not related to electricity generation.
*** As at the end of the reporting period.
**** Reflects scheduled and unscheduled interruptions in electricity supply for high and medium voltages

Ratio 2019 2020 2021 Change 2021/2020
Payments to the state budget by virtue of dividends 0 0 0
Payroll and employee benefits PLN 1.9 billion PLN 2.0 billion PLN 2.1 billion +5%
Confirmed incidents of corruption 2 0 0
*Items from the consolidated statement of comprehensive income: Taxes and charges, Current tax.

Ratio 2019 2020 2021 Change 2021/2020
Indirect greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 2) None reported None reported 292 410 t CO2e
Amount earmarked for investments in the energy efficiency area None reported None reported PLN 49,6 million
Amount of significant penalties imposed on for non-compliance with environmental protection laws or regulations 0 0 0

Ratio 2019 2020 2021 Change 2021/2020
Total value of cash and in-kind donations* None reported None reported PLN 5.0 million
Number of fatalities involving the Group’s employees and subcontractors 2 1** 0** -100%
Number of discriminatory incidents and corrective actions taken 0 0 0
*Total amount of funds provided by Group companies to the ENEA Foundation, the “Solidary Miners” Foundation and directly to other entities.
**No data available for employees of ENEA Serwis’ subcontractors.

Ratio 2019 2020 2021 Change 2021/2020
Distribution Segment: number of customers/energy consumers* 2,626 thousand 2,661 thousand 2,703 thousand +2%
Sales of electricity and gaseous fuel to retail customers 20.3 TWh 21.1 TWh 24.5 TWh +16%
Customer data breaches that qualified for reporting to the President of the Personal Data Protection Authority 0 0 3
*As at the end of the reporting period

In 2021, the ENEA Group received the Silver CSR Leaf awarded by the POLITYKA magazine. The magazine grants its awards on the basis of an analysis of companies’ activities in areas such as protection of the environment, honesty in business and social engagement; this time it also considered the approach to current sustainable development challenges and the degree of implementation of ESG standards. The Silver Leaf, as well as the 16th place in the Ranking of Responsible Companies is a confirmation that our efforts have measurable effects.

Anna Lutek

Director of the Group PR and Communication Department

In 2021, we received diplomas from the Global Compact Poland Foundation for taking ambitious steps to ensure:

  • respect for labor standards and protection of human rights and ethical standards, which constitute the foundation for sustainable development of Poland and the world,
  • protection of climate and sustainable development, an approach that will benefit future generations.

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