Our commitment to sustainable development and natural environment is also embedded in the Code of Ethics for the LW “Bogdanka” S.A. Group and the ENEA Group Compliance Policy, which, among others, requires us to:
- ENEA S.A. Environmental Policy
Therefore, in a well-thought-out manner, we implement further solutions allowing for monitoring and minimizing our greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants and we rationally manage our natural resources. We also make sure that our mining and generation activities do not endanger biodiversity and continuity of environmental processes.
takes environmental factors into account when developing new services and products
invests in solutions satisfying stringent environmental standards
works on technological solutions to increase production of energy from renewable sources
makes rational use of energy and natural resources and strives to reduce generated waste and pollution
nitiates and actively participates in educational campaigns for environmental protection and building environmental awareness
prevents any breakdowns that may be dangerous for the environment
Our commitment to sustainable development and natural environment is also embedded in the Code of Ethics for the LW “Bogdanka” S.A. Group and the ENEA Group Compliance Policy, which, among others, requires us to:
The ENEA Group Procurement Policy contains a rule that, when selecting suppliers of products and services, non-price criteria should be taken into account, including environmental factors such as energy efficiency of the subject of contract. However, bid evaluation criteria are defined individually for each tender procedure and selected environmental aspects are included only when deemed suitable for the subject of contract. At the same time, contracts with all our suppliers contain an undertaking to observe the provisions of the ENEA Group’s Code of Conduct for Contractors, which contains our expectations, among others in respect to environmental protection.
In proceedings conducted by ENEA Operator for the supply of means of transport, CO₂ emission is one of the evaluation criteria. The Company has also adopted a rule that it rules out from proceedings any suppliers who are natural persons legally convicted for crimes against the environment under Article 181-188 of the Criminal Code.
The ENEA Group Communication Policy contains provisions stating that the Group’s communication is conducted in a manner that promotes environmentally friendly values and that the Group’s sponsorship activities will focus, without limitation, on the domain of environmental protection.
The individual companies have and update on an ongoing basis their own policies, procedures, instructions and regulations, which are suitable to their unique character, obligating them to protect the environment and use it in a sustainable way. In addition, some of the principles, e.g. the ones setting out the requirements for handling the waste produced, must be observed by external entities performing work on the sites of and for Group companies. They also apply methodologies for monitoring and documenting specific environmental impacts and effects of their pro-environmental activities.
The activities of Group companies are conducted in strict compliance with the accepted internal regulations, general provisions of law as well as the content of the necessary permits and administrative decisions, such as the right to release emissions into air, decisions on environmental conditions of a permit to carry out a project, or water permits.
significant non-financial penalties or sanctions imposed on ENEA Group companies for non-compliance with environmental protection laws or regulations in 2021
At the time of publication of the Report (25 May 2022) works were underway on the preparation of a comprehensive climate policy common for the entire ENEA Group. The document will identify key risks and opportunities associated with climate change, define ways and principles for managing them, and set the company climate goals and indicators for attaining them.
As of 16 February 2021 the person responsible in the ENEA Group for managing its climate impact is the Vice-President of the Management Board for Operational Affairs, Mr. Marcin Pawlicki and as of March 2022 also the Vice-President of the Management Board for Strategy and Development, Mr. Lech Adam Żak. Since 20 April 2021, the unit responsible for this area in ENEA S.A. is the Innovation and Climate Transition Office, which has been established on the basis of the earlier Innovation Department and is part of the Strategy Division at the Group Strategy and Development Management Department.
By the publication date of the Report, the method of oversight of the Supervisory Board over climate matters has not been agreed upon. Also, no committees have been established to monitor and supervise over the progress in the implementation of climate-related goals and tasks. Both of these issues are to be addressed during the work on the Group’s climate policy.
The method of managing climate-related risks and opportunities is presented in the section entitled Management of non-financial risks. By 25 May 2022, no measures have been defined that are used to manage risks and opportunities. Their list and target levels will be recorded in the ENEA Group Climate Policy, which is currently being developed.