ESG Report of the
ENEA Capital Group for 2021


Reduction of CO₂ emissions

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  • ES-2

At ENEA Group, we strive to minimize carbon dioxide emissions with a view to achieving climate neutrality in 2050. This way we align our organization with the European Union’s climate objectives and social expectations. To this end, we are developing renewable energy sources. We also intend to use gas as a low-carbon transition fuel.

Lech Adam Żak

Vice-President of the Management Board for Strategy and Development at ENEA S.A.

  • Internal indicator 24


increase in energy production from RES
compared to 2020.

Generation of energy using renewables [GWh] 2019 2020 2021 Change 2021/2020
Total production from renewable energy sources, including 2,279 2,392 2,415 1.0%
ENEA Nowa Energia: hydro power plants10 130 130 114 -12.0%
ENEA Nowa Energia: wind farms10 185 183 157 -14.4%
ENEA Nowa Energia: biogas plants10 5 9 9
ENEA Ciepło: biomass firing 204 255 227 -11.0%
ENEA Połaniec Power Plant: biomass co-firing 314 371 326 -12.2%
ENEA Połaniec Power Plant: biomass firing 1,441 1,442 1,582 9.7%
10 In previous years: ENEA Wytwarzanie – RES Segment.

Information on the planned increase in the installed RES capacity is provided in the chapter entitled New ENEA Group development strategy.

In addition to developing our own RES capacity, we are involved in endeavors aimed at ensuring the country’s energy transition:

by connecting RES to ENEA Operator’s grid

  • in 2021 the company connected nearly 47 thousand (including micro-installations); as a result, the total number of RES connected by the company was nearly 109 thousand at the end of the year;

by providing substantive support to businesses with RES capacity

  • in 2021, ENEA Operator launched the Generator Portal, a free proprietary IT tool that makes it easy to observe the reporting obligations for electricity generation and injection into the grid (in accordance with SOGL Guidelines).

Connected RES sources in the operating area of ENEA Operator in 2016-2021

Number of connected RES sources classified in connection groups II and III, cumulative Number of connected microinstallations, based on the submitted reports and requests, cumulative Total capacity of connected RES sources classified in connection groups II and III, cumulative [MW] Total capacity of connected microinstallations, based on the submitted reports and requests, cumulative [MW]
2016 350 2,479 1,220 17
2017 360 4,302 1,240 31
2018 400 6,910 1,280 50
2019 493 18,900 1,369 136
2020 593 61,990 1,614 435
2021 785 108,873 2,066 830

On 16 March 2022, ENEA S.A. established a special-purpose vehicle ENEA Elkogaz, which will be responsible for the project entitled “Restoration of the generating capacity of 200 MW coal-fired units in ENEA Wytwarzanie based on the gaseous fuel combustion technology.”

Current carbon dioxide emission levels

The ENEA Group reports direct greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1) and starting from 2021 also its indirect greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 2) calculated using the location-based method. Both emission categories are expressed in metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent.

*In previous years – only for generating entities – see table CO₂ emissions related to electricity generation.
** A method of estimating Scope 2 emissions, which uses the average greenhouse gas emission intensity in a given geographic region. It reflects the average emissions intensity in the grids on which energy consumption occurs. Indirect energy-related GHG emissions must be reported using the location-based method if the reporting organization has no available data for a specific energy product or energy supplier; it does not reflect the differences in emission intensity of individual suppliers or guarantees of origin. For scope 2 emissions calculated with the location-based method for installations located in Poland, it is acceptable to use the average emission indicators published by the National Centre for Emissions Management (KOBiZE).

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  • E-P1

Greenhouse gas emissions in the ENEA Group

Company Scope 1
[t CO2e]
Scope 2
[t CO2e]
ENEA S.A. Data not available* Data not available
ENEA Ciepło – Head Office 18,314 4,040
ENEA Ciepło – Białystok Division 338,100 0
ENEA Elektrownia Połaniec 6,030,838 Data not available
ENEA Bioenergia Data not available Data not available
ENEA Nowa Energia 9,235 923
ENEA Wytwarzanie 15,855,536 34,816
PEC Oborniki Data not available Data not available
MEC Piła 92,024 Data not available
ENEA Połaniec Serwis Data not available Data not available
ENEA Ciepło Serwis 211 64
ENEA Operator 7,580 Data not available
ENEA Trading Data not available* Data not available
ENEA Innowacje Data not available* Data not available
ENEA Serwis 1,258 Data not available
ENEA Centrum Data not available* Data not available
ENEA Pomiary 68 183
ENEA Logistyka 999 505
ENEA Oświetlenie 26 251
Lubelski Węgiel “Bogdanka” Group 61,763 251,628
Total 22,415,951 292,410
*The company runs an administration and office business.

Company Biogenic CO emissions [t]
ENEA Połaniec Power Plant 2,148,476
Lubelski Węgiel “Bogdanka” Group 283
Total 2,148,759

As at the publication date of this report (25 May 2022), no management decisions have been made regarding the schedule of implementing the reporting of other indirect emissions created in the company’s supply chain (Scope 3).

CO₂ emissions related to electricity generation

CO₂ emissions related to electricity generation [Mg] 2019 2020 2021 Change 2021/2020
Kozienice Power Plant 14,883,264 13,786,235 15,855,535 +15%
Połaniec Power Plant 6,751,791 4,555,879 6,030,838 +32%
Białystok CHP Plant 253,522 174,755 312,696 +79%
“Zachód” Heat Plant (Białystok) 12,254 14,588 18,138 +24%
MEC Piła 80,450 81,089 89,811 +11%
PEC Oborniki 13,597 13,490 15,443 +14%
Łęczyńska Energetyka 44,697 45,263 53,083 +17%
Biogas-fired power plants (ENEA Nowa Energia) 5,647 10,287 9,235 -10%

Free CO₂ emission allowances awarded to the ENEA Group

  • EU5 sectoral indicator

CO₂ emissions [t] Allocation of free CO₂ emission allowances [t] Costs of allowances [PLN 000s]
Kozienice Power Plant
2020 13,786,235 55,833 1,455,082
2021 15,855,535 2,195 2,229,638
MEC Piła
2020 81,089 11,827* 6,670**
2021 89,811 9,083*** 16,740**
Białystok – CHP plant
2020 174,755 70,157 11,525
2021 312,696 45,587 31,741
Białystok – “Zachód” Heat Plant
2020 14,588 668* 1,546
2021 18,138 2,487*** 1,809
Połaniec Power Plant
2020 4,555,879 1,241,357* 398,681
2021 6,030,838 89,956*** 598,697
Łęczyńska Energetyka
2020 45,263 6,535 3,902
2021 53,083 10,632 9,413
Total 2020 18,657,809 1,386,377 1,877,405
Total 2021 22,360,101 159,940 2,888,038
1Single allocation of free-of-charge allowances for 2020.
2 Accounting treatment.
3 Single allocation of free-of-charge allowances for 2021.

Intensity of greenhouse gas emissions from ENEA Group’s generation units

*Ratio of CO₂ emissions directly related to electricity generation to total gross electricity generation. In the case of the power plants in Kozienice and Połaniec as well as Elektrociepłownia Białystok and MEC Piła, the calculations are based on total CO2 emissions from electricity and heat generation processes, i.e. for sources that generate electricity only or those that cogenerate electricity and heat. Accordingly, the calculation of the ratio does not take into account any CO2 emissions from units that generate heat only, because these emissions are not related to electricity generation.

Information on the planned schedule of the path to climate neutrality is provided in the chapter entitled New ENEA Group development strategy.

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