Short-term employee benefits
The Group classifies the following as short-term employee benefits: monthly salary, annual bonus, right to discounts on electricity, short-term paid absences (remuneration for unused vacation time), together with social security contributions, Energy Professionals’ Day awards and liabilities concerning the Voluntary Redundancy Program.
The liability concerning (accumulated) short-term paid absences (pay for leave) is recognised even if the paid absences do not entitle to a cash equivalent. The Group determines the expected cost of accumulated paid absences as an additional amount that it expects to pay as a result of not exercising this entitlement as at the balance sheet date.
Other liabilities are measured in the amount due to be paid.
Long-term employee benefits
Pursuant to an agreement between staff representatives and the Group’s representatives, the Group’s employees are entitled to certain benefits other than remuneration for work. These benefits are financed entirely by the Group. Actuarial methods are used to estimate these liabilities.
Defined benefit plans
In accordance with workplace remuneration regulations, the Group’s employees have the right to the following post- employment benefits:
The provisions above constitute a defined benefit plan after the employment period.
The present value of provisions for post-employment benefits is calculated at each balance sheet date by an independent actuary, using actuarial methods. The provisions are calculated for every employee individually. The liabilities accrued are equal to discounted payments that will be made in the future, taking into account employee turnover, and they apply to a period until the balance sheet date. Demographic information and information on employee turnover are based on historic data.
Actuarial gains and losses on the measurement of post-employment benefit liabilities are recognised entirely in other comprehensive income.
Longevity bonus
Other long-term employee benefits at the Group include longevity bonuses. The amount of these bonuses depends on seniority and the employee’s remuneration. Actuarial methods are used to estimate these liabilities. Actuarial gains and losses are fully recognised in present-period profit or loss.
Defined contribution plans
The Group covers the cost of contributions to the Employee Pension Program from present-period profit or loss as employee benefit cost.
A valuation was adopted for employee benefit provisions based on the balance of liabilities at the end of the reporting period concerning expected future payments of benefits, which was calculated by an independent actuary using actuarial methods. This estimate is affected by the discount rate and long-term growth in wages.
Estimates of the following employee benefit liabilities are done by an actuary:
For calculation purposes, basic data was used for each Group employee individually, as at the end of the reporting period, (taking the employee’s gender into account), from the following areas:
remuneration, constituting the basis for the size of longevity bonus and retirement severance payment. Actuarial assumptions used in calculating these estimates are presented below.
As at | ||
31 December 2021 | 31 December 2020 | |
Remuneration and other liabilities | 427 127 | 402 472 |
Provision for Voluntary Leave Programme | 454 | 1 745 |
Retirement and disability severance payments | 211 380 | 236 122 |
Right to rebates in purchasing energy after retirement | 320 963 | 356 098 |
Contribution to Company Social Benefits Fund for retired employees | 87 948 | 118 231 |
Post-mortem payments | 24 092 | 26 556 |
Longevity bonus | 415 540 | 453 902 |
Total employee benefit liabilities | 1 487 504 | 1 595 126 |
Long-term | 962 473 | 1 097 643 |
Short-term | 525 031 | 497 483 |
Changes in the 12 months to 31 December 2021
Retirement and disability severance payments | Right to rebates in purchasing energy after retirement | Contribution to Company Social Benefits Fund for retired employees | Post-mortem payments | Longevity bonus | Total | |
As at 1 January 2021 | 236 122 | 356 098 | 118 231 | 26 556 | 453 902 | 1 190 909 |
Changes recognised in profit or loss, including: | 17 289 | 14 858 | 6 737 | 2 211 | 8 892 | 49 987 |
cost of present employment |
14 250 | 9 693 | 5 007 | 1 845 | 35 179 | 65 974 |
cost of interest |
3 039 | 5 165 | 1 730 | 366 | 6 137 | 16 437 |
net actuarial gains arising from change in financial assumptions |
– | – | – | – | (55 789) | (55 789) |
net actuarial losses arising from adjustment of demographic assumptions |
– | – | – | – | 3 315 | 3 315 |
net actuarial losses arising from ex-post adjustment of assumptions |
– | – | – | – | 20 050 | 20 050 |
Changes recognised in other comprehensive income, including: | (25 801) | (39 613) | (34 820) | (3 574) | – | (103 808) |
net actuarial gains arising from change in financial assumptions | (37 621) | (76 018) | (24 728) | (4 055) | – | (142 422) |
net actuarial (gains)/losses arising from adjustment of demographic assumptions | 464 | (10 955) | (3 060) | 1 034 | – | (12 517) |
net actuarial (gains)/losses arising from ex-post adjustment of assumptions | 11 356 | 47 360 | (7 032) | (553) | – | 51 131 |
Reduced liabilities concerning payout of benefits (negative value) | (16 230) | (10 380) | (2 200) | (1 101) | (47 254) | (77 165) |
Total changes | (24 742) | (35 135) | (30 283) | (2 464) | (38 362) | (130 986) |
As at 31 December 2021 | 211 380 | 320 963 | 87 948 | 24 092 | 415 540 | 1 059 923 |
Long-term | 179 576 | 308 181 | 85 229 | 21 890 | 367 597 | 962 473 |
Short-term | 31 804 | 12 782 | 2 719 | 2 202 | 47 943 | 97 450 |
Changes in the 12 months to 31 December 2020
Retirement and disability severance payments | Right to rebates in purchasing energy after retirement | Contribution to Company Social Benefits Fund for retired employees | Post-mortem payments | Longevity bonus | Total | |
As at 1 January 2020 | 215 354 | 301 704 | 103 756 | 25 086 | 416 273 | 1 062 173 |
Changes recognised in profit or loss, including: | 17 125 | 14 153 | 6 496 | 2 206 | 78 406 | 118 386 |
cost of present employment |
12 981 | 7 862 | 4 312 | 1 712 | 31 917 | 58 784 |
cost of future employment |
91 | – | – | – | 213 | 304 |
cost of interest |
4 053 | 6 291 | 2 184 | 494 | 8 141 | 21 163 |
net actuarial losses arising from change in financial assumptions |
– | – | – | – | 13 764 | 13 764 |
net actuarial losses arising from adjustment of demographic assumptions |
– | – | – | – | 760 | 760 |
net actuarial losses arising from ex-post adjustment of assumptions |
– | – | – | – | 23 611 | 23 611 |
Changes recognised in other comprehensive income, including: | 18 124 | 49 302 | 10 236 | (4) | – | 77 658 |
net actuarial losses arising from change in financial assumptions | 8 003 | 54 474 | 10 476 | 934 | – | 73 887 |
net actuarial (gains)/losses arising from adjustment of demographic assumptions | 820 | 1 344 | 746 | (628) | – | 2 282 |
net actuarial (gains)/losses arising from ex-post adjustment of assumptions | 9 301 | (6 516) | (986) | (310) | – | 1 489 |
Reduced liabilities concerning payout of benefits (negative value) | (14 481) | (9 061) | (2 257) | (732) | (40 777) | (67 308) |
Total changes | 20 768 | 54 394 | 14 475 | 1 470 | 37 629 | 128 736 |
As at 31 December 2020 | 236 122 | 356 098 | 118 231 | 26 556 | 453 902 | 1 190 909 |
Long-term | 202 963 | 345 052 | 115 690 | 24 446 | 409 492 | 1 097 643 |
Short-term | 33 159 | 11 046 | 2 541 | 2 110 | 44 410 | 93 266 |
Actuarial assumptions
Assumptions | 31 December 2021 | 31 December 2020 |
Estimated long-term annual growth in remuneration | 4.91% in 2022, 4.05% in 2023, 2.70% in 2024, 2.5% in subsequent years | 1.8% in 2021, 2.45% in 2022, 2.40% in 2023, 2.5% in subsequent years |
Estimated growth in value of contribution to Company Social Benefits Fund | 9.2% in 2023, 10.8% in 2024, 7.5% in 2025, 6.1% in 2026, 6.0% in 2027, 5.6% in 2028-2030, 5.3% in the forecast’s remaining years. | 14.8% in 2022, 4.4% in 2023, 4.6% in 2024, 5.2% in 2025, 5.4% in 2026, 5.5% in 2027-2030, 5.2% in the forecast’s remaining years. |
Discount rate | 3.7% | 1.5% |
Value of cash equivalent for subsidised energy purchases | PLN 1 667.85 | PLN 1 515.73 |
Growth in the value of cash equivalent for subsidised electricity purchases | 13.9% in 2022, 27.3% in 2023, 1.1% in 2024-2028, 2.5% in subsequent years | 1.5% in 2021, 8.1% in 2022, 4.0% in 2023, 4.1% in 2024-2027, 2.5% in subsequent years |
Average monthly remuneration used to calculate Company Social Benefit Fund liability | PLN 4 434.58 | PLN 4 134.02 |
Sensitivity analysis for defined benefit plans
Defined benefit plans: | Impact of changes in actuarial assumptions on level of defined benefit plan liabilities | |
+ 1 pp | – 1 pp | |
Discount rate | (70 069) | 86 505 |
Expected remuneration growth rate | 33 802 | (28 472) |
Average growth in the value of cash equivalent for subsidised electricity purchases | 46 553 | (37 942) |
Maturity of defined benefit plan liabilities
As at | ||
Weighted average period of defined benefit programme liabilities (in years) | 31 December 2021 | 31 December 2020 |
Retirement and disability severance payments | 13.1 | 15.0 |
Post-mortem payments | 10.1 | 12.0 |
Right to rebates in purchasing energy after retirement | 14.0 | 17.2 |
Contribution to Company Social Benefits Fund for retired employees | 16.7 | 19.8 |