ESG Report of the
ENEA Capital Group for 2021


Consolidated statement of cash flows

  Year ended
Note 31 December 2021 31 December 2020
Cash flows from operating activities 
Net profit/(loss) for the reporting period 1 786 470 (2 234 337)
Income tax in profit or loss 12 368 163 (369 212)
Depreciation/amortisation 9 1 539 286 1 598 063
Loss on change, sale and liquidation of property, plant and equipment and right-of-use assets 35 253 34 890
Impairment losses on non-financial non-current assets 30 124 3 410 154
(Gain)/loss on sale of financial assets (5 892) 17 964
Interest income (17 547) (14 743)
Dividend income (227) (283)
Interest costs 160 017 241 823
Gain on measurement of financial instruments (108 567) (77 311)
Impairment of financial assets at amortised cost 15 825 144 014
Share of profit of associates and jointly controlled entities (192 561) 332 361

Impairment of investments in associates and jointly controlled entities

129 208
Other adjustments (40 338) (26 779)
Total adjustments  1 783 536 5 420 149
Paid income tax (526 612) (300 100)
Changes in working capital:
CO2 emission allowances 40 (330 919) (1 153 931)
Inventories 40 9 660 241 866
Trade and other receivables 40 (1 271 094) (50 875)
Trade and other payables 40 2 607 735 431 129
Employee benefit liabilities 40 (4 344) 67 694
Accounting for subsidies and road lighting modernisation services 40 120 152 33 259
Provisions for other liabilities and charges 40 1 312 336 702 910
Total changes in working capital  2 443 526 272 052
Net cash flows from operating activities    5 486 920 3 157 764
Cash flows from investing activities 
Purchase of non-current tangible and intangible assets and right-of-use assets (1 901 807) (2 382 772)
Proceeds from sale of non-current tangible and intangible assets and right-of-use assets 3 324 9 841
Purchase of financial assets 40 (68 219) (199 415)
Proceeds from sale of financial assets 40 121 461 476
Purchase of associates and jointly controlled entities (707) (1 700)
Sale of associates and jointly controlled entities 982
Received dividends 227 283
Inflows concerning funds at Mine Decommissioning Fund bank account (6 080) (7 592)
Received interest 911 3 443
Other (outflows)/inflows from investing activities (359) 1 136
Net cash flows from investing activities  (1 850 267) (2 576 300)
Cash flows from financing activities 
Credit and loans received 1 275 2 308
Repayment of credit and loans (217 154) (176 371)
Bond buy-back (997 110) (1 894 310)
Dividends paid (105)
Repayment of lease liabilities (41 128) (52 154)
Interest paid (165 611) (276 256)
Other outflows under financing activities (4 821) (5 074)
Net cash flows from financing activities    (1 424 654) (2 401 857)
Total net cash flows    2 211 999 (1 820 393)
Cash at the beginning of reporting period 25 1 941 554 3 761 947
Cash at the end of reporting period  25 4 153 553 1 941 554
including restricted cash 646 928 754 321

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