ESG Report of the
ENEA Capital Group for 2021


Consolidated statement of financial position

As at
Note 31 December 2021 31 December 2020
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 14 19 225 475 18 903 722
Right-of-use assets 16 774 099 730 078
Intangible assets 15 350 188 359 365
Investment properties 17 20 282 21 239
Investments in associates and jointly controlled entities 18 137 881 133 647
Deferred income tax assets 12 1 400 872 1 296 061
Financial assets measured at fair value 35 195 031 97 957
Trade and other receivables 22 74 434 72 381
Costs related to the conclusion of agreements 11 180 11 256
Finance lease and sublease receivables 23.1 580 513
Funds in the Mine Decommissioning Fund 147 671 141 591
Total non-current assets 22 337 693 21 767 810
Current assets
CO2 emission allowances 19 2 859 978 2 529 059
Inventories 20 1 115 920 1 129 975
Trade and other receivables 22 3 312 572 2 132 191
Costs related to the conclusion of agreements 11 652 13 428
Assets arising from contracts with customers 24 412 908 322 446
Finance lease and sublease receivables 23.1 903 975
Current income tax receivables 3 147 10 470
Financial assets measured at fair value 35 419 321 41 894
Debt financial assets at amortised cost 36 61
Cash and cash equivalents 25 4 153 553 1 941 554
Total current assets 12 289 954 8 122 053
Total assets 34 627 647 29 889 863
As at
Note 31 December 2021 31 December 2020
Equity attributable to shareholders of the parent 
Share capital 588 018 588 018
Share premium 2 692 784 3 632 464
Revaluation reserve – measurement of financial instruments (16 295)
Revaluation reserve – measurement of hedging instruments 108 917 (105 534)
Retained earnings 10 620 839 7 938 162
Total equity attributable to shareholders of the parent  14 010 558 12 036 815
Non-controlling interests 27 1 167 450 1 057 538
Total equity  26 15 178 008 13 094 353
Non-current liabilities 
Credit facilities, loans and debt securities 30 4 457 014 6 607 756
Trade and other payables 31 123 947 132 793
Liabilities arising from contracts with customers 24 18 389 10 833
Lease liabilities 30 565 993 529 140
Accounting for subsidies and road lighting modernisation services 34 377 016 261 162
Deferred income tax provision 12 473 785 445 094
Employee benefit liabilities 32 962 473 1 097 643
Financial liabilities measured at fair value 35 17 588 75 131
Provisions for other liabilities and other charges 33 874 929 849 990
Total non-current liabilities  7 871 134 10 009 542
Current liabilities 
Credit facilities, loans and debt securities 30 2 177 791 1 224 061
Trade and other payables 31 4 439 560 2 037 926
Liabilities arising from contracts with customers 24 441 947 246 629
Lease liabilities 30 30 678 25 172
Accounting for subsidies and road lighting modernisation services 34 18 073 13 308
Current income tax liabilities 63 774 73 500
Employee benefit liabilities 32 525 031 497 483
Liabilities concerning the equivalent for rights to free purchase of shares 281 281
Financial liabilities measured at fair value 35 247 929 70 987
Provisions for other liabilities and other charges 33 3 633 441 2 596 621
Total current liabilities  11 578 505 6 785 968
Total liabilities  19 449 639 16 795 510
TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES  34 627 647 29 889 863

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